I have moved from a coastal community (lots of humidity) to a high altitude community (NO humidity). My hair is getting dryer by the day to the point that I can't wash it every day (this bothers me). Any suggestions on a hydrating shampoo (natural/organic preferred). Thanks!
What can I do for really dry hair?
Use Pantene's Conditioner.....use a couple handfuls. That'll get it from dry to super soft.
What can I do for really dry hair?
If you are looking for natural or organic stuff using mayo as a hair mask works. I am not kidding. My Mom used to use it when she was really young. If you aren't into salad dressing on your head a local health food store may have a section for skin and hair care I would look for an oil or something that you can use to treat your hair. It may be something that you have continuously have to do every other week or once a week, but just know that one treatment is not going to make it all better. You have to do it a few times before you are going to see results. Hope this helps!
What can I do for really dry hair?
What can I do for really dry hair?
I don't know of any organic shampoos, but if you make an olive oil masque for your hair it helps a lot! Massage warm olive oil into your strands for about 5 mins, then rinse with warm water and wash as normal. Also avacado is a great hair masque.
What can I do for really dry hair?
olive oil is the best remedy me and my family use it and it's very good for your hair too
What can I do for really dry hair?
Mix 1 cup of beer with two eggs. Beat them. Wash your hair, and put the stuff on it. Let it set for as long as you can take it, and rines off.
What can I do for really dry hair?
Coconut oil. This will add moisture and will not smell bad either. Try and leave it in as long as possible.
What can I do for really dry hair?
Try Watson's hair wax. There's a huge variety, like Avacado wax for dry/normal hair, Beer wax for flyaway/dry hair, etc.
Pantene conditioner also works wonders. Organic's Sunsilk(shampoo + conditioner comes in a package, use together for maximum efficiency) is invaluable, too.
Hope it helps!
What can I do for really dry hair?
It is true Olive oil, beer, eggs, avocado, mayo..all these works very well. What you can also do is go to one of these black women hair and beauty shop! They are amazing!!!!I found that a hair mask from "dark and lovely" brand is very good, but they are many very good stuffs...cocnut , aloe vera is great too. There is no point spending 8 pound in one shampoo in boots, one for the same amount of money you can get those brillant products from caribean/black haie and beauty shops.
good luck
What can I do for really dry hair?
a good diet will make your hair healthy, which includes shine, silkiness, softness, strength, and manageability.
vitamin e is good for the hair
it is moisturizing
and vitamin a
is good for the scalp
and healthy hair growth
protein makes ur hair grow faster than anything else because
hair is basically made of protein
eat eggs.. and dairy products
yogurt, milk, soymilk, and tofu are great examples
citrus fruits are also good for the hair.. and seaweed has a lot of vitamin a. vitamin a can be found in leafy veggies and carrots, especially. it is important to drink enough water to keep ur hair hydrated. 8-10 glasses is suggested for healthy hair growth. also, iron plays an important role in maintaining and growing healthy hair. iron brings oxygen to the hair, allowing it to breathe like us basically
(not the same way obviously)
and so if u dont take enough iron.. ur hair will be starved of oxygen and lose its shine, luster, etc.
b vitamins are also great for the hair. salmon, coldwater fish, and sardines are great fish that contain many of the vitamins hair needs.
i hope this information helped you!!
What can I do for really dry hair?
try the tigi product bed head health goddess it works wonders you can get it at ulta.com
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