Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do i style long hair?

my hair is in between straight and wavy, kinda thick and long.

i don't really do anything to it. i hate straighting my hair so i just let it air dry and just use a blow dryer on my bangs.

the result it my hair always looks messy. what do i do?

How do i style long hair?

Have your hair cut into long layers with your shortest layer somewhere between chin %26amp; shoulder length. Let your hair air dry only half way, then take a ceramic round brush %26amp; blow dry each section so that your hair flips up, when you get to your shortest layer blow dry the ends under. This style looks soo pretty, it's how I do my hair.

If you need anymore help just ask or visit my forum:

How do i style long hair?

you should scrunch your hair. just put in a handful of gel all over. as your hair air dries, take handfuls of it and squeeze it against your head. you could also put it in a ponytail and do a messy bun.

How do i style long hair?

hair straightener will help. i got my mum one for mother's day : )

How do i style long hair?

SNAP! i know how you feel. its hell annoying coz it goes all frizzy when i straighten it, and it tangles easily coz its supposed to be naturally wavy. you could get one of them permanent straightening at the hair dressers...they last for like 3 months or somethiing, but looks really good.... prices range from around $30-100.

How do i style long hair?

go to this:

youll get great ideas

How do i style long hair?

they are alot of things that you can do but it depends on whether or not you wanna take the time and do it...but for something quick and easy, use gel and/or moose, schruch it up! it looks really cute...but if you got time, they is SO much stuff you can do

How do i style long hair?

Well my hair is curly and straighten it up really heps to make it look good long and just shine like a star.

How do i style long hair?

I have the same problem try braiding a ponytail it works for me.

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