Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

My dog, a german shepherd, sheds seemingly year round. I have a green polar fleece jacket that I wear frequently, but it attracts hair from my dog like nothing else. The only way I've found to minimize the hair problem is to run my jacket through the dryer with like five of those fabric softener sheets. This methods works, but not completely and the effect lasts only for a few days at most.

To remove the hair, I just use tape, but with this much hair I run through tape quickly and it all comes back shortly thereafter.

What are some other methods to keep myself from looking like an idiot covered in dog hair?

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

Since it is winter right now, the humidity levels are very low and static is up, so dog hair is more likely to cling to you at this time of the year.

Ok here are some steps to minimize this.

1:Continue using fabric softener sheets

2: Use that non-cling spray that women spray on nylons to stop them sticking to their skirts

3: Brush and wash your dog as often as you can. Use a wired brush. There are also some special shampoos that help.

4: Try not to let your dog on places your jacket might touch such as chairs, couches, bed, and car seats.(put plastic on them if you have too!)

5: Buy one of this sticky rollers, then just use as necessary. They are fairly in expensive so keep one in your car, bedroom etc.

Good luck

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

Get a lint roller! They work well. And try not to let your dog rub all on you while you have the jacket on!

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

polar fleece and shedding dogs do not go together... as well as black, velvet etc..... remember to brush your dog daily

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

hang it up!

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

with three dogs we gave up....we just use tape before going for us....

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

shave your dog

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?


get a lint roller instead

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

That's always been a problem for me as well. The dryer sheet idea of yours actually sounds good. I think I will try it. Sorry I am no help.

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

i use a lint brush or packing tape. there's also this "sponge" thing that my fiance got and it works.

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

well, only think i can think of, is for you to buy another jacket. but where you're new jack under your green one...and when you leave your house, take off your green one, and voila, you're new one is hairless.

and when you get home, put on your green jacket again, over your new one

OR...there's a lint brush you can buy (it does not use that sticky tape that you keep peeling off), it's simply a brush that you can use again and again and again (no tape required)

but to save the hassle of grooming yourself like a cat everytime you leave the house, i'd just buy another jacket...try a buy one that isn't fleece though. buy yourself a nice leather jacket, problem solved.

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

well you can minimize the shedding problem by brushing you dog on a regular basis. the fabric softener sheets may be your best bet... out side getting a new jacket.

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

There's a good reason German Shepherds are nicknamed "German Shedders" - not only do they actually shed year round, they also blow their entire coat each spring and fall. Welcome to the wonderful world of GSDs.

The only way to keep dog hair off your jacket is to use a lint brush frequently. You can get the small lint rollers that are basically sticky tape, and you can also get rubber ones that you can brush the jacket down with.

In the end, regardless of what you do, it's always going to be a loosing battle with a fabric that attracts dog hair and a German Shepherd.

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

lint rollers work perfect for anything that has alot of hair on it

How do I keep dog hair off my polar fleece jacket?

Get him his own polar fleece blanket. Available many retailers for 9 or ten dollars. Sounds like a smart dog.

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