Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Should I cut my hair??

hey im a black girl with hair that i sit on. sometimes i got to the hair dresser and get it set curly and it is really long, thick and just so pretty when i do that, but the thing is, i have to sit under the dryer longer than anyone else in the salon i love the curly look on me it is so cute but i think i should cut it so it is shoulder length again and i can get it curled without sitting under the dryer so long. but im scared it might lok really short? any suggestions? i might miss throwing my hair over my shoulders

Should I cut my hair??

Wow! Please dont cut it short... have it long but not so long that you sit on it. I think you will miss it if you cut it short!

Should I cut my hair??

Well yeah you should cut it, but not too short.

You should cut it so that it's going half down your back.

Should I cut my hair??

Dont cut your hair.

Should I cut my hair??

no dont cut it!

guys like long hair on girls

and it looks very pretty too!

Should I cut my hair??

yes, not to shoulder length, about 5 inches longer!

Should I cut my hair??

Keep it long. Hair shouldn't be longer than mid back. Just have it trimmed so it is healthy and manageable.

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