Friday, April 27, 2012

How do I keep loose hair out of my clean clothes???***????

I live in a house with my three that makes 4 ladies. We all have long hair.... I am so sick of having to comb through my towels (any clothing) after taking them out of the dryer for hair. I will constantly find hair in my clean clothes. All of us have hair to our shoulder blades and are unwilling to cut. What can I do to prevent the hair from randomly attaching itself to my clean laundry???

How do I keep loose hair out of my clean clothes???***????

Fabric Softner or Fabric sheets in the dryer.

How do I keep loose hair out of my clean clothes???***????

Change your dryer linen out often. It does best in taking out hair and loose debris.

How do I keep loose hair out of my clean clothes???***????

Vacuum the house daily and use fabric softener sheets

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