Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How can I get my hair to hold a curl?? Or even just a wave?

I have really pretty long hair down to the middle of my back. I think it looks really good one me. But I can't do anything with it because my hair does not hold a curl. I want to do different styles that involve curls but I can't get my hair to hold them. Last night I bobby pined my hair up in curls, and I sprayed it like crazy with hair spray (this is after I put moose in it after my shower). I then took a blow dryer to it. I left it up for about an hour and when I let it out the curls where soooooo pretty. It looked so cute. So I finished getting dressed and when I went to look at myself. The curls where gone. An hour later my hair was pin straight again. There has to be some way for my hair to hold a curl????

How can I get my hair to hold a curl?? Or even just a wave?

you should use Aussie instant freeze Hairspray. Its the Best!

How can I get my hair to hold a curl?? Or even just a wave?

try using a curling shampoo as well. then you should use a really strong mouse. when you try it try not to dry in a downward direction because that is partially the reason it becomes straighter. maybe you should pin it up, then lightly spray, and leave it in longer. then take it out and spray a little bit more then before. too much hairspray could mess it up as well.

How can I get my hair to hold a curl?? Or even just a wave?

dont shower the night before. put in some kind of product (i use garnier fructis styling wax. smells a little funky if u put in too much, but works), then do two TIGHT braids, secure with a good elastic that wont slip, and sleep in them. the next day right before you go out the door, take the braids out, and brush through with your fingers (combs and brushes will make it friszz), and you have nice wavy hair thats almost curly. for me, they last from 8am to about 4pm. if you want them out, just wash it or comb with a wet medium tooth comb

How can I get my hair to hold a curl?? Or even just a wave?

use suave SPRITZ its EXCELLENT!

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