I have medium length (about to my shoulders, with layers, fine but thick) hair. I've recently become a nighttime shower-er and sometimes experience killer bedhead. (Once I swear that I looked like a peacock, but that was when my hair was shorter.) Anyway, come morning I'd like to be able to get my hair looking decent in short order. I work with kids so I'd like something that didn't require a whole lot of hair spray and such and that could tolerate windy recess duties. ;-) The question is, would hot rollers help with this? What size should I use?
I don't want to damage my hair (I don't even like using a blow dryer unless I need to) and I also don't want to spend a lot of money. I'd like to have more volume, but I don't want to look like a cracked out Shirley Temple...'cause that's what happened when I used small curlers once upon a time. Also, if I use a brush will that make it all too poofy?
I'm full of questions. haha. Any help would be splendid. Thank you!
Hot Rollers on Medium Length Hair?
use larger rollers and try using a pick instead of a brush that way it won't get to puffy
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