Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough t

of the waves for special occasions. My hair is in quite a good condition, with layers. I usually apply Sunsilk Frizz eae and let it air dry. But this kinda gets boring to go with the same style day after day. So, i thought blow drying would be a good idea; but i cant get this technique right since i've never done it be4. Is the air supposed to be reely hot from the dryer cuz i am scared of damaging my hair. Also, what other styles can i do with wavy hair?

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

I know the feeling! I have been using Beyond Zone products for a while now and have had great results (Sally's Beauty). When I blow dry my hair, I use low heat and with the brush, move the dryer with the brush down the strands of hair (little by little). I would put some product (of your choice) in the wet hair before beginning this painful and tedious task. The longer your hair is - the longer it takes to blow it out even semi-straight. You can also take a 2inch barrel curling iron to the finished hairdo to get the really stubborn pieces flat (almost like ironing your hair). Once again you will do this little by little and strand by strand. My hair is down to the middle of my back and it takes me anywhere from 1-2 hours to get straight locks!

Feel free to e-mail me if you need more help. I would be glad to provide more info if you need it!!

Good Luck - let us know how it turns out!!


How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

Buy some Heat Defense Spray (I use John Frieda Frizz-Ease Straightening Potion) and spray that on your hair and then comb over it before drying. This protects your hair from any heat damage.

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

You might try using an ionic blow dryer on medium heat. They seem to cut out on the flyaways from drying. Also, then you can use a straightening iron and do it in small sections by pinning up the top layers and starting at the bottom, work your way to the crown just pulling the hair through the straightener. Then use a product that is like gel that sleeks the hair to keep it laying flat. Main thing is the use of products to tame it!

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

I gave up trying to straighten my wavy hair myself a long time ago. When I do blow dry I use a diffuser so it doesn't get frizzy. Most days though I just use Bed Head curl spray and let it air dry. I get lots of compliments on my hair, probably because it looks best when it is doing what it does naturally.

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

Towel dry your hair really good (So its not drippig wet) and I would pin up part of it (So that you can dry one part at a time) Blow dry it while going through with a round brush. (that will help straighten it) When your done use a (flat iron sometimes called a straightening iron.) Take small pieces at a time, and trust me it will definately make it straight. I use one daily to get rid of my wavy pieces that wont cooperate. When used all over your head it makes a very sleek straight look. The irons are normally 20-30 dollars.

How to blow dry wavy hair? I am not reely interested i getting it totally straight but just enough to get rid?

Ditto. Above me!!!

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